Friday, June 6, 2008

60's hair all up on yo skull.

You know what's neat? Being fabulous. Not just anyone can be fabulous. I hear your mom is pretty fabulous (oh my, what a woman), but are YOU? Well, when I think of being fabulous a certain era comes to mind. That era my friends is the 1960's. Sure, the 50's were great, everyone loves gigantic rolled coifs, dramatic A-line dresses, and cat eye glasses; however, it seems like so often the fabulous 1960's get overlooked in the land of contemporary fashion (or if we do remember them we only seem to recall garish prints, peace signs, and circular "John Lennon" style glasses).

I conjure images in my mind of massive creations that took 5 cans of ultra hold Eco-non-friendly hairsprays to maintain. Where they boxed your head into a dome of style unparalleled by anything in today's hair arsenal. Fabulous women strutting the streets of the world decked out in sleek calf high boots, ultra-mini skirts, and flawlessly sculpted hair-do's.

For you, my darlings, I've released a hairstyle called "Maude the Mod". This hair is not for the faint of fashion heart. It is big and commands attention! Heck, I don't think big even describes it's PREGNANT with FABULOUSNESSS.

Come on down to PUDGE at the Starlust Motel today and snag a pack. (Will be available at other locations soon).

OH! Before I forget. My friend Melatonin Hax of Thimbles and ::Split Pea:: made an AMAZING headband specifically for this hair. I offer an optional bow for the hair; but I'm going to be frank kids, her headband blows my bow out of the water! It is SO cute and has color change scrips in EACH petal of the flower so that you can do endless amounts of patterns and fun stuff. It will be offered this weekend at PUDGE and at ::Split Pea:: (once Mel makes a fabulous ad for it since she just finished it this evening). But I just wanted to let you know, because it's hecka hecka cute. Here's a sneaky peeky.

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