Monday, August 11, 2008

Clams and Hair, hell yes.

The Starlust clam dig (that's what I'm calling it in my head), known to some as "Clam hunt 2008" or "Super Find the Clam Fun Time" is still going on at both Floyd and Lloyd. As some of you may already know I stuck 12 different colors of a hairstyle called "Lady Spank Inferno" throughout the FLOYD sim in tiny golden clams. Other designers have put a lot of sassy underpants in tiny golden clams. I dare you to find them!

Also, I gave you a sneak peek yesterday of a hair that I was working on. Well it turns out that I was motivated enough today to recolor that action so it is available NOW at my Floyd Pudgeburger (do a search for pudge and you can get a LM to the new location). The hair is called "Organic Flower Beast" and is a quirky and fun style with some flexi pieces that frame the face nicely. As always my 3 hair packs are 225L. Let's do this baby.

Sneak peek for next week: POSES! You guys have asked for them so I'm working on new ones as we speak!

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