Friday, August 1, 2008

Bringin' it back.

The Fair Verona: 225L per 3 color pack

So I've been kind of a busy beaver this week. Well, I'm not actually a beaver as I'm sure you could have figured out; however, were I an actual beaver I'd be building a mighty dam of hair. A dam that could withstand both nature's fury and beauty. Except the unfortunate thing is I can't unveil my fabulous theoretical hair dam yet (bear with me, I know this analogy is crappy) because I'm saving it for the hair dam fair. Ok, I think I finally (and ridiculously) explained what I've been doing in a not so proper or coherent way, I'll sum it up by saying this, "I can't release anything new because I've been too busy making stuff for the hair fair" hell, I probably should have just said it that way in the first place.

Anyhoo, I decided what I would do is re-release an older hair that I had made wayyyy back when The Starlust Motel was in it's infancy, when it was just a tiny little angel baby just begging to be nurtured and loved. This hair is called Fair Verona and was originally available only in fat pack form and was offered for a very limited time. I figured it was time to WHIP THIS SUCKA BACK OUT. So yeah, here it is for you available only at the Pudgeburger at Floyd right now (until I become less lazy and stick it out somewhere else).

Ooo, also Pose fat packs and old hair are STILL on sale at my Floyd location. Pose fat packs of 20 poses are only 175L (originally 350L) and old hair (in the drive thru area) is now 95L per 3 pack (originally 190L).

1 comment:

Kesseret Steeplechase said...

mmmm jeff goldblum. If I had a penis I'd spooge.
Speaking of, video card in ups, 3 day, I will deliver tracking number via SL. No cat toy, but I will promise to mail that out later.

Lastly, <3